Decrypts passwords symmetrically encrypted by Plesk on Windows.
Plesk uses symmetrical encryption for many passwords in its internal MySQL database "psa". With the help of this script you can now decrypt them for Plesk running on Windows as well.
.PARAMETER EncryptedString
An encrypted string you found Plesk's psa database
.PARAMETER SymmetricKey
Plesk symmetric encryption key. You can find it at HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PLESK\PSA Config\Config\sym_key\sym_key, but this script extracts it automatically.
ConvertFrom-PleskSymmetricallyEncryptedString.ps1 -EncryptedString '$AES-128-CBC$ABNK35ZcqnbTYT4Q3mbaEA$HmGDWmtym6K3+kJ8uBoJOg'
Author: Kirill Nikolaev
Twitter: @exchange12rocks
Web-site: https://exchange12rocks.org
GitHub: https://github.com/exchange12rocks
#Requires -Version 3.0
Param (
[byte[]]$SymmetricKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PLESK\PSA Config\Config\sym_key' -Name sym_key).sym_key
$EncryptedStringSplitted = $EncryptedString.Split('$')
$IV = $EncryptedStringSplitted[2]
$Data = $EncryptedStringSplitted[3]
$IVRemainder = $IV.Length % 4
if ($IVRemainder) {
$IV = $IV.PadRight($IV.Length + $IVRemainder, '=')
$DataRemainder = $Data.Length % 4
if ($DataRemainder) {
$Data = $Data.PadRight($Data.Length + $DataRemainder, '=')
$AESCipher = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider'
$AESCipher.Key = $SymmetricKey
$EncryptedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Data)
$AESCipher.IV = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($IV)
$Decryptor = $AESCipher.CreateDecryptor()
$UnencryptedBytes = $Decryptor.TransformFinalBlock($EncryptedBytes, 0, $EncryptedBytes.Length)